Recovering Physically and Emotionally from COVID-19

I have been away from social media for quite a while. 

During Christmas week, my husband Stacy and I both got COVID-19. :( It was not fun.

My case was much more mild than his, but watching him struggle with spiking fevers, searing head pain and debilitating fatigue was more than scary. The worst part was the first few days when we had to isolate from everyone, including each other, because I hadn’t been tested yet. The other worst part was the loneliness and sadness of spending the holidays alone and sick. Oh! And not being able to taste or smell holiday food (although that didn’t stop me from trying…)

While we both have physically recovered, the mental and emotional drain lingered on for me for a couple more weeks. Add to that the fatigue of shelter in place, keeping a business afloat while having our physical doors closed for 10 months, a toxic political climate, it was just all a bit much…I needed to focus inward to start putting things back together again.

Once I was able to leave the house, the first thing I did was NOT Pilates. (Shocker!) It felt better just to start simply, with walking. Which graduated to short hikes, and building back up to longer and steeper hikes. My Movement Matchmaker Instagram account documents some of these (more to come—one thing at a time!) and features lots of different options for hiking adventures, from hyper-local to day trips.

I tried a Wunda Chair workout for the first time last week and I felt shockingly…weak!


Weak is a word that I have never used to describe myself, and thought I never would. As I put my hands down on the seat of the chair and began my pull up, my arms felt like they couldn’t hold me up! Wow. That was a moment. So now I’m adding short little bursts of arm and shoulder mini-workouts with 2- and 3- pound weights and resistance bands. Maybe I’ll film one and add it to our new MVP Online Studio channel.

Also, brain fog is a real thing. I’ve had trouble recalling words, typing and spelling, and with short-term memory. I found this interesting article as well as some other great resources on Pilates Anytime. And since I have studied Pilates for Neurological Conditions, I’m going to put some of that knowledge to work on myself.

Things are looking up! My brain fog is lessening each day. I’m (mostly) caught up on studio admin tasks. I’m teaching a good number of Zoom privates, filming classes in the studio…And I’m adding some more Zoom Group classes to my MVP schedule!

Sophia, Brittany, and Kelly are still teaching online privates and group classes, too. So we are all hanging in there and looking forward to good times in 2021.

MVP has lots more exciting news. We don’t get to open our physical doors up just yet for privates, but we’re hoping that can happen in the next month or so…fingers crossed…

Stay tuned for more interesting updates—hopefully they will include me regaining my sense of smell! :)

